69 research outputs found


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    Tuberkulosis paru sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia, karena merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi menular yang dapat menyerang ke orang lain. Penyakit ini tidak hanya meyerang golongan sosial ekonomi rendah saja, tetapi dapat menyerang semua golongan umur dari jenis kelamin. Mengingat penyakit TB menular dengan cepat melalui droplet infection, sehingga diperlukan edukasi dan pelatihan tentang bagaimana cara perilaku hidup bersih sehat mandiri penderita TB dalam masa pandemi covid-19 di desa Tengah Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Metode pelatihan ini menggunakan  foccus group discussion dengan media penyuluhan booklet dan leaflet tentang cara mencuci tangan 6 langkah, Peserta yang  berpartisipasi ialah kader, tokoh masyarakat, penderita,  keluarga dan masyarakat di desa Tengah berjumlah 36 orang. Hasil pelaksanaan pelatihan ditemukan pengetahuan peserta tentang TB, pencegahan dan pengobatan sebesar 22 (61%) dan hasil post test sebesar 29 (84,59%) telah memahami tentang cara pencegahan penularan dan pengobatan TB..  Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan tentang TB, pencegahan dan pengobatannya. Jenis kelamin perempuan 24 (66,67%), umur terbanyak ialah 45-64 tahun 19 (25%), Pendidikan SMA sebanyak 30 (83,33%), dan pekerjaan Ibu Rumah Tangga sebanyak 17 (47,22%). Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan di Puskesmas untuk tetap memonitoring hasil kegiatan pengabmas ini dengan melakukan penyuluhan yang intensif kepada masyarakat. DIharapkan juga hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat mengkontribusi penurunan angka kejadian kasus TB di desa Tengah

    From Interactive Open Learner Modelling to Intelligent Mentoring: STyLE-OLM and Beyond

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    STyLE-OLM (Dimitrova 2003 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 13, 35–78) presented a framework for interactive open learner modelling which entails the development of the means by which learners can inspect, discuss and alter the learner model that has been jointly constructed by themselves and the system. This paper outlines the STyLE-OLM framework and reflects on the key challenges it addressed: (a) the design of an appropriate communication medium; this was addressed by proposing a structured language using diagrammatic presentations of conceptual graphs; (b) the management of the interaction with the learner; this was addressed by designing a framework for interactive open learner modelling dialogue utilising dialogue games; (c) the accommodation of different beliefs about the learner’s domain model; this was addressed with a mechanism for maintaining different views about the learner beliefs which adapted belief modal logic operators; and (d) the assessment of any resulting improvements in learner model accuracy and learner reflection; this was addressed in a user study with an instantiation of STyLE-OLM for diagnosing a learner’s knowledge of finance concept, as part of a larger project that developed an intelligent system to assist with learning domain terminology in a foreign language. Reviewing follow on work, we refer to projects by the authors’ students and colleagues leading to further extension and adoption of STyLE-OLM, as well as relevant approaches in open learner modelling which have cited the STyLE-OLM framework. The paper points at outstanding research challenges and outlines future a research direction to extend interactive open learner modelling towards mentor-like intelligent learning systems

    In Search of a Trade Mark: Search Practices and Bureaucratic Poetics

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    Trade marks have been understood as quintessential ‘bureaucratic properties’. This article suggests that the making of trade marks has been historically influenced by bureaucratic practices of search and classification, which in turn were affected by the possibilities and limits of spatial organisation and technological means of access and storage. It shows how the organisation of access and retrieval did not only condition the possibility of conceiving new trade marks, but also served to delineate their intangible proprietary boundaries. Thereby they framed the very meaning of a trade mark. By advancing a historical analysis that is sensitive to shifts, both in actual materiality and in the administrative routines of trade mark law, the article highlights the legal form of trade mark as inherently social and materially shaped. We propose a historical understanding of trade mark law that regards legal practice and bureaucratic routines as being co-constitutive of the very legal object itself
